I'm writing along, dashing toward my nanowrimo deadline (which, honestly, is looking more and more unattainable -- but the great news is that I have so many short story ideas popping up everywhere that I will have much to write once the deadline is over in 1 day 15 hours and 2 minutes) and I am struck by an idea that should not have hit me quite so hard over the head but, well, it has. After my Wikipedia post, C was kind enough to point out that you can edit Wikipedia. Am I the only one who did not know this? I'm flummoxed. I find that I've lost respect for Wiki, and yet, I'm also intrigued by the concept of a group think - a group edit - an electronic collective mindshare. This concept instantly reminds me of Quillhill's wonderful take on Google's plan to digitize books from a few days back.
So, here's where I'm at. I see the point of an author wanting to keep their material current (Google publishing line of thinking) but I don't know how I feel about a group of people updating and editing an encyclopedia that is referenced by millions of people and treated as a source of accurate (operative word) information. Am I naive? Too worried about political sabatoge through a subtle (or possibly not so subtle) revision of history? I'm torn. I like it and I don't. I'm interested and I'm mortified. It seems I'm not alone. Rarely, if ever, am I on the fence. But here I sit. Do I jump in and edit Wiki or do I bid farewell to my strange friend and get back to the matter at hand?