I know you would be shocked to learn that there are many fine writers and bloggers who find the concept of Nanowrimo to be, in a word, ridiculous. They are of the opinion that real writers do not need such stunts. Such exercises. It is only the amateurs that play at writing for one month a year and make a big fuss and hollering hoo about it. Whining about plots they can't find, crying about characters that they've never learned how to properly create in the first place. Real writers, with book deals, or pending publication in any number of excellent journals, don't have time for such games.
For these writers, critics and general naysayers, there are some divine alternatives (much cheekier):
- National Drunken Writing Night
- Write A Short Story Week
- National Blog Posting Month
- National Playwriting Month
- National Solo Album Month
- National Novel Editing Month
- National Novel Finishing Month
- National Novel Writing Year
- National Novel Publishing Year
- National Novelist Art Month
- National Novelists Exercise Month
- NanoMango (?)
Sincerest form of flattery? I'm guessing...not so much...