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| Finally, at the Heart of It All - Does Poetry Matter? »
- At 768 pages, I can't help but think the latest LBC Read This! selection will be another one I fall behind on. Yet everyone is so effusive about it, so adamant I must read it. Really? I think I need more convincing. I opted out of that whole Chunkster Challenge thing for a reason.
- If you can stand the whining of Michael Silverblatt, Richard Ford devotees might want to tune into KCRW's Bookworm to hear Mr. Silverblatt in conversation with Ford. Today at 2:30pm.
- Maud's write-up of her Jesus Camp viewing experience gives me chills. For thirteen years (yes, that's right...13!) I was sent to a very religious school & the requisite Jesus Camps every summer. It horrifies me that this is still going on and is perhaps, even stronger. I also realized (thank you Maud) that I have a lot of writing material in me yet!
- Pssst....I'm taking a writing class at UCLA. I've been secretive about it because, well, I'd like to have you believe I'm already a superior writer. Say what you will about nanowrimo, but it made me realize that I need some help with my characters. I'm on the fence about sharing more. Can't decide if it's too much like peeking into the ugly machinery you'd rather not see, or if it would be useful.
- Poetry Appreciation Week stumbles on. I keep getting emails about your forthcoming posts and yet...no posts. Hmmmm. At the very least, please jump in and comment. Surely I've lowered all bars at this point and so jumping in to the grand poetic discussion should be akin to asking for dressing with your salad. Easy peasy.
- Finally just started reading The End of Mr. Y and I want to clear the decks and do nothing else but sit down and fly through it. She's good.
- Okay, not a lit bit, but damn good news: Dems are keeping promises. Novel concept, eh?
- And finally: A full write up about the Vendela Vida reading will be up soon, but let me just say this: Now that is how you give a proper reading.