My thoughts on Black Swan Green (for the LA Times Book Prizes nominee coverage we're doing) are up at LAist. It is my first "formal" review and my concerns about doing such a thing are well-documented. We will have to see if the karma gods have it in for me now or not.
If something is amiss, if you disagree, if you feel I could have argued my point more cogently, or if I didn't have a point of view at all, please let me know. While I was limited to a short form, I make no excuses. I tried to cover the aspects of the book that were most interesting to me...which means half the good stuff gets left out. I found it difficult to review a book that has been out for so long and has been reviewed by so many writers that I admire...I struggled to find something different to say, yet that's also not fair as the average reader who is new to BSG won't have the pre-knowledge of all the reviews that came before, what they covered, what they left out. As a result, I fear there's nothing new to add to the conversation. Yet I tried anyway. Perhaps a fool's errand.