Well, guess what? The LA Times has decided that hiring famous people (via the I'm-sleeping-with-your-publicist route or otherwise) to guest-edit the Opinion section is a thing of the past. Publisher David Hiller has said: "We don't need all these questions when we have so many features of value to deliver our readers," he said. Questions indeed.
I won't harp here on the obvious. On the sad display the LAT has become. On how difficult it is to watch a once-great paper become not only obsolete but laughable. Embarrassingly what you would expect elsewhere. But it seems to me going back now and checking to see what previous Opinion sections may have been swayed by the guest editor of the week is sort of like Bush telling us all they'll "look into any wrongdoing and punish those accordingly." So little, so late. And, you know, untrue. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Martinez offers his own departure in today's paper. I hate it when they angle for the sympathy vote in the wake of so much dust.