The wine bit:
"The most famous, vibrant chenin blancs in the world come from the Loire Valley of France, specifically from the appellations Vouvray, Savennieres, Anjou and Saumur. In particular, the great Vouvrays and Savennieres are stunningly complex, long-lived wines with shimmering acidity."
A few lines later, the scrumptious book bit:
"If modern life allowed for such seemingly lost pleasures as sitting in a field of wildflowers and reading Madame Bovary or The Age of Innocence, chenin blanc would be the fitting wine to drink."
Both from The Wine Bible. Cheers to Karen MacNeil for writing a truly enjoyable book about wine that is both informative and lovely at once. A rare feat. Off to taste more wines. Sadly, we are not in the Loire Valley, but in Calaveras County. Home of the jumping frog. (I snicker here for several reasons, I'll leave those guesses to you.)