A few lit bits on a busy Thursday morning:
- Veronica Gonzalez discusses her book twin time: or how death befell me on Bookworm, today at 2:30pm.
- Nanowrimo has officially begun. I'm happy to report that my blog silence this week has nothing to do with participating. I'm sitting this one out as I've got several writing projects underway and a design project to unveil at the end of the year.
- Just because I'm not participating doesn't mean there won't be coverage. I'm coordinating coverage at LAist, where we'll have a writer participating in the novel-writing and another writer focusing on LA Nanowrimo participants throughout the month. Inside-peek-style and all that.
- Coverage will be light until Monday as I'm heading up north for a family celebration. (I know, it's been a light week so far, I sense your eye-rolling, I do.)
- Books I'll be taking with me: Play It As It Lays (never hurts to revisit a favorite, more on this next week) & The Last Days of Madame Rey.
- The artist Lisa Congdon (and curator at the just-opened Rare Device SF) has a show opening tomorrow night at Firefly in Venice. I will miss the opening. I am upset about this. If you can make your way to Venice, please do. Her work is delicious, as you can see above. I love how she incorporates text with image.
- Tim has a two-part (Part One, Part Two) interview with Dara Horn that is worthy of your time:
"You were recently named to Granta’s list of Best Young American Novelists. How did you find out?: I found this out through a phone call in December, which was preceded by an email from a Granta editor requesting my number in order to ask me a “rather delicate” question. I have the pessimist’s habit of always expecting the worst, so my immediate assumption was that I was somehow about to be sued."