It's hardly news now, but when I first got the feed in my reader late last night, I was too stunned to post about it. (Secretly hoping he'd change his mind by the time I woke up.)
Alas, Edward Champion is done with blogging. He is going to focus on his novel and writing reviews and articles full-time. This is the very thing I struggled with awhile back, feeling sure that my unpaid efforts would be better spent writing fiction instead of blog posts. During that struggle, Ed was very gracious with his encouragement that I should continue on. That I should post every day and write, write, write.
I will continue to do just that. For now.
I respect the prodigous blogging efforts that Ed has bestowed upon us all. I respect the difficutly that no doubt came with such a decision. And I simply cannot wait to see what he does next. I'm quite sure it will be damn good and well worth reading.