I usually have something pithy to say about freedom on this holiday. Something that invokes our past struggles, our future pain if we don't watch out, and so on. This year, however, I'm choosing pleasure instead of dark introspection and slyly (or not so) couched warnings that amount to little.
We'll be watching fireworks from our rooftop and will be eating a meal specially prepared to go with an excellent Pinot we've been saving but must drink (really, we must!) because we have not yet secured proper wine storage. What do you do when the good wine can't be stored properly in this heat? Drink, drink, drink!
After today's festivities, we'll invariably find ourselves on the front patio at The Standard (dtown, mind you, not that trashy Hollywood affair), again, for boisterous bellinis (not blinis) and/or we'll wander down to Library Bar for excellent cold beer on tap in a dark, dark room that is perfect for bright, hot days like these.
Photo of cafe patio at The Standard downtown by Miss Counterbalance during her most recent lounge-about on said patio. For hours. On a not-so-distant Saturday afternoon that bled into Sunday morning.