So - it's the LA Times Festival of Books this weekend, starting right hour ago. I'm not yet there. I should be. There is a panel at 11am with David Shields that I very much want to see. It may not happen. I'm learning to be okay with this.
In past years, I tried very hard to serve as a guide to every panel and every author insight during these busy two days in LA. This year, it will have to be different because this year, I so much of do this weekend that I'm struggling with how to do both, realizing I can't do both in a big way.So I'm learning to accept that my coverage of LATFOB this year will much less than it usually is. And that's ok. Right?
I've created a catch-all column at left for LATFOB 2010 - I'll be adding my own links here as well as the links of many capable others whose work is covering this event, writing books, being fabulous authors, etc. In short: if your job involves books, it is far more likely this weekend that your coverage will trump mine. If you want to stay up to date, check the column at left later today. I'll update as I go.
I'll also be tweeting, but surely some work tweets (and the lamenting of work tweets) will seep in. Consider yourselves forewarned. Here's the thing though - you'll notice that there is no column at left for LATFOB 2009. Why is that? Oh, yeah, I was working like a madwoman and was a mess and a ball of stress. So, today represents leaps in progress.
And with that...I need to dash out, hair still wet, dogs as yet unwalked, coffee not yet consumed. Let's see if I can make it to that 11am panel. David Shields, I'm coming for you.
Update: made it to the Shields panel, which was Rebooting Culture: Narrative & Information in the New Age. Great panel, more on that later today. Also, several of you rightly asked where you might follow me on Twitter for my #latfob ranting. You can follow me @calliemiller.