Darby Dixon at Thumb Drives and Oven Clocks threatened to make a pdf with Endnotes about his nearly completed project to read books that are either very long in length or that are shorter in length but had somehow become gargantuan in his mind. Books on his reading list included The Recognitions, War and Peace, Life and Fate, Infinite Jest, and others. He's on his final book of the project, Against the Day.
He could have written a blog post about his reading experience. He did.
But then he made good on this threat. He made a lovely PDF of his thoughts with lots of extras. Who doesn't love extras?
When you can read a thing you might enjoy, it's a good day. When you can read a thing you might enjoy that is also a mini-celebration of type and layout and all things grid-y...well, it's a great day.
Make your day great. Read this PDF.
*"Reading a book..." graphical quote taken from the PDF in question.