The wow-factor of podcasts comes and goes for me. I'll be off them for years and then devour twelve in a series all in one afternoon like a gluttonous podcast pig. As one does with, say, all of Murakami or Breaking Bad or The Wire. Gorge on the goodness, etc.
Two podcasts have recently captured my attention:
- Literary Disco - Just announced and only one intro podcast in, I have a sense I'll dig this not because of the first book they covered, but because their credo rings true for me and reminds me of that long-winded, as-yet-unpublished post I wrote last summer in which I bemoan the state of book reviewing in favor of something accessible and passionate and less insider-y. The best bits of their mission statement: "As we looked around at the collection of podcasts, NPR shows, and Oprah Book Club-spinoffs that are available in the world, it occurred to us that it was hard to find the kind of literary discussion we love. Which is one that appeals equally to writers and readers. And one that is smart without being hyper-intellectual, or too 'insider.' Everywhere we looked, book talk seemed shallow or snooty." Indeed.
- The Literary Salon - I only learned of this lovely series a few weeks ago and I've done what I promised myself I wouldn't do: devoured it whole. This is a delightful mash-up of authors reading their work and answering questions, all in front of a live audience. Nearly as good as being there, I tell you. My favorite one so far is with John Waters, natch.
I will try to consume the newest podcasts in a more balanced way, but...